drizzled with broad bean cream, mint and bran peppers

This time I started from the point of arrival and that is from a ceramic plate made by Antonio Fasano, a very good craftsman from Grottaglie – Taranto – Puglia :-)!
Again Puglia and Basilicata inspire me, with their products, to make something special.

I was immediately struck by the decorum of this dish which, although seemingly complex, is instead disarming for its simplicity. A series of circles and points that triggered my imagination making me think of eyes, of flowers, of embroidery but also of something ancient I would say almost primitive and then the green rummy that changes color during cooking as a testament to the magic that happens in the oven at a temperature of 700-900 degrees for about 12 hours.
In short, we wanted something special and looking, what was left, in the package of goodness that I bought from Angela, I thought I would use strascinate and bran peppers combined with mashed beans.
Thus came a rich dish with strong flavors but at the same time made fresh and spring by the intense taste of fresh mint.

For two people

100g of dried broad beans
140gr of strascinate
the leaves of two sprigs of fresh mint
2 bran peppers fried in extra virgin olive oil
Grated Pecorino Canestrato di Moliterno
Extra virgin olive oil

Prepare a broad bean purée as indicated on the package, then fry two bran peppers and set aside.
Bring the water to the boil, add salt and cook the strascinate for about 15 minutes, then before draining, keep a couple of ladles of the cooking water.
Drain the pasta and sauté in a salta pasta with mashed broad beans diluted with a ladle of cooking water, two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, salt, pecorino cheese and a lot of mint. If necessary, add more water.
Finish with the crumbled and served crumbled peppers!